Wednesday, September 2, 2099

Smithtown High School East
Career and Technical Education Department
Course #5119
Grades 9 – 12

Half Year, Half Credit

Course Overview:
Introduction to Financial Management offers the high school student an opportunity to build a fiscally smart foundation.  It is essential in our fast moving society to have a working knowledge of the fundamentals of basic financial planning and money management.  In this course you will learn how to prepare a personal financial plan; a personal budget; propose a personal savings and investing plan; select strategies to use in handling credit and managing debt; demonstrate how to use various financial services; understand insurance plans that will minimize your personal or financial loss and examine how a career choice and lifestyle affect your financial plan.  The exploration of these principles will be studied and applied in an active, “hands-on” participative environment, through class projects, Internet simulations, and general classroom lectures.  The class concludes with a final exam.

Course Topics include:  Financial Planning—Setting Goals, Banking and Credit, Budgeting—Making Money Work for You, Good Debt/Bad Debt—Using Credit Wisely, Savings and Interest, Financial Services, Insurance, and Investments.   

Tuesday, September 2, 2098

Course Syllabus

Your Introduction to Financial Management syllabus can be viewed and downloaded by clicking on this link.

You must turn in a signed parent/guardian copy of your syllabus by Friday, February 7, 2014.